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Tegan, 2022

We love how dedicated all the educators are to the preschool and how caring they are towards all the children. We love walking into preschool at drop off time and seeing all the warm friendly faces and the willingness of the educators to stop and have a conversation. We feel so privileged to be part of the Parklands community and that Hugo, and next year Claudia, are starting their education journey in such a supportive and caring environment. 

Rachel, 2022

I love that the Parklands educators are always so welcoming to our family, and have nurtured and cared for both Farah and Callan whilst in your care.


I appreciate everything that all of you do!  But a special thank you to Emma, who had a such beautiful relationship with Farah and is still greatly loved!  But I really appreciated that on reflecting with Emma re Callan’s progress a few months back, our discussion was about how to connect with Callan in a way that works for him and his interests, rather than trying to fit him into a mould and expecting things of him he may not be developmentally ready to do just yet (e.g. attention span / sitting still!).

Miranda, 2020

Parklands is an idyllic dream preschool for my child. I have worked in many preschools and I've found as a parent the Parklands educators are exceptional. They have extensive knowledge of early education and are able to adapt that, in a supportive and caring way, to what your child may need to flourish.

Anna, 2022

Happy Early Childhood Educators Day! Here are both my thoughts and Matilda’s about the Educators at Parklands.

I am so happy that Matilda has been able to attend Parklands Preschool. Since the moment she’s been there, she has thoroughly enjoyed every minute. The way that she talks about her teachers is with love and respect because that’s exactly how they treat her.
We are welcomed every morning with smiles and a real wanting to know what the children did on the weekend which is just so lovely.

Every single teacher at Parklands is so passionate about what they do and so caring, the type of role models we want for our children.

Matilda said she loves the games she plays with her educators, especially musical statues. She also said she has learned how to keep safe at preschool and explained to me what each whistle means. She said the very best thing is the hugs!

I can tell you now, it’s going to be so hard to say goodbye at the end of the year!

Halley, 2022

I would just like to pass on our warmest gratitude to all the teachers at Parklands.
The hard work and dedication to the kids is so appreciated it’s hard to find the words.
Louis is so very excited every Monday and Tuesday to go to Parklands he is just blossoming under your car.
Every day there is always a game, story or science experiment he wants to talk about.
The experience and culture your staff have created is evident in Louis growth, feeling of safety and just over all happiness under your care.
You guys should be paid like CEO,s your work is so valuable and very very appreciated.

Narelle, 2022

It will be a sad day when we have to leave Parklands. It’s not just the professionalism, friendliness and exemplary care given to Susie that we love. It’s the values we see evolving in Susie each day. For example, she has developed a deep sense of caring for the planet. She often tells us how we can reuse, recycle and ‘recondition’. It keeps us all grounded and aware of our footprint. We also love your zero single use plastic policy. We know each time we drop Susie at Parklands is a day of enrichment, discovery and beauty. Congratulations Parklands. You are a shining light

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