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Register on our Waitlist

Please register your interest in enrolling at Parklands Community Preschool!

Complete the Waitlist Registration Form below.

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Enrolment Process


As a NSW Community Preschool, we are funded by the NSW Department of Education, Start Strong Program. These funding guidelines require community preschools to prioritise children for 600 hours in their year before school (2 days per week).

If your child is turning 4 on or before the 31st July, they may be eligible for a funded enrolment at Parklands Community Preschool. 


We welcome children in our local community from 3 years of age, and we meet the priority of access guidelines for children who are eligible to go off to big school the following year. 


Please give us a call to find out when your child will be eligible for enrolment.




Complete our Waitlist Registration Form

Please note, registration on our waitlist does NOT guarantee an offer of enrolment.

Successful offers of enrolment depend on length of waitlist, priority placements as per our enrolment policy and NSW Department of Education Start Strong funding guidelines.




In August in the year before enrolment, we will contact the families of all eligible children on our waitlist via email, to ask if they are still interested in an enrolment for the following year.

When we hear back from those families, we will ask them to identify preferred days of enrolment, and invite them to attend a tour of the preschool and pre-enrolment interview with our Director, Phoebe.




In September, we will contact successful families with an offer of enrolment.

They will be asked to complete their ENROLMENT Form and provide all necessary enrolment documentation. This includes the child's birth certificate, immunisation history statement (medicare issued) and any medical management plans.

We will provide families with an enrolment pack, which includes our Family Handbook, Preschool Social Story, as well as a Parklands Hat and T-shirt, wet bag and sustainable no-plastic lunchbox!




In November, we will invite all new families to attend an Orientation visit, where parents and children can visit with us, meet the educators, explore our environment and meet some new friends. 




Enrolments commence in early February.

Families will receive official starting dates with offer of enrolment letters.




Every child is unique and special! We recognise that you know your child best, and encourage you spend time on the first few days getting to know your educators, and engaging in preschool activities with your child. This will help you both to build trust and feelings of security in this new environment. 

Our Educators are experienced and knowledgeable in supporting children to settle into preschool.

We encourage you to chat regularly to our educators about your child, and as we get to know you and your family, we can actively support development and shared learning goals at preschool!


Our family handbook


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